Information about the processing of personal data according to Art. 13 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)


Our company processes personal data when entering into and conducting business relationships. Affected are all data categories in order to meet pre-contractual and contractual obligations.

Disclosure of data to a third party

Disclosure of personal data to a third party only occurs when it is deemed necessary for business purposes. Disclosure of personal data to a third party, including third countries with unclear data privacy protection (for example countries outside of the EU) that are not part of the business purpose, does not occur, unless permission is granted by the person concerned.

Legality of data processing

The elicitation, processing and utilization of personal data occurs within the framework of what is legally permissible according to Art. 5, 6 and 9 GDPR. If personal data is elicitated from the person concerned, then the person concerned has the right to transparent information according to Art. 13 GDPR. Fundamentally, such information is only processed and used when it is deemed necessary for operational task fulfillment and when it is directly connected with the intended purpose. Here, the special conditions for the elicitation, processing and utilization of special categories for personal data must be observed according to Art. 9 GDPR and § 22 FDPA (Federal Data Protection Act). The processing of sensitive data is allowed according to GDPR, exclusive of the principle to reserve the permission or with a submission on a statutory basis.

The rights of persons concerned

According to Art. 15 ff GDPR, persons concerned have the right to obtain information, right of adjustment, right to delete, right to limit and right of appeal on the processing of their data.

The rights of withdrawal of persons concerned

Persons concerned have the right to withdraw their permission to process personal data, according to Art. 13 Para. 2 Point c GDPR, if the processing is based on Art. 6 Para. 1a or Art. 9 Para. 2 a GDPR. The legality is not affected for the permission given until the withdrawal is implemented.

Generally, a withdrawal as well as a refusal to supply information has the consequence that the purpose for which the data was withdrawn or should have been withdrawn cannot be fulfilled. The protection of rights must be provided in written form. Therefore, please contact us per email at

Deletion of personal data

Personal data is deleted when the purpose to store has lapsed and when no legal norm (for example the legal retention period) to maintain data is required. The requirements of Art. 17 GDPR in conjunction with § 35 FDPA are valid. If the deletion is not possible due to legal, contractual, trading or fiscal reasons, then the persons concerned can request to limit the data processed. The protection of rights must be provided in written form.

The rights of the parties concerned data portability

The company guarantees the right of data portability according to Art. 20 GDPR. Every person concerned has the right to receive a copy of their pb data in standard machine-readable file format.

Person responsible in line with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and FDPA (Federal Data Protection Act)

qualitype GmbH

Moritzburger Weg 67

01109 Dresden

Data protection officer of the company

Steve Vetter, Vetter Consulting,

Right of appeal

Each person concerned has the right to appeal with the country’s regulatory authority according to Art. 77 GDPR. The state data protection comissioner can be contacted at